Your success in any part of life really comes down to how you approach it – your mindset, and the mental and emotional tools you’ve got in place to handle the challenges.

Each Wednesday, join me, Peter Finn, managing director of FACE Contracting, as I navigate the ups and downs of the mining industry with forward-thinking professionals from all walks of life. If you’re involved in the mining industry in any way – whether you’re a lifer or a high-school student looking to make the leap – Full Production is the podcast for you.

Josh Doutch is a great example of a self-made success story in the mining industry. At 32, Josh has three, count ‘em, three trades under his belt and a growing auto electrical services business that employees 10 people based in Perth – not to mention stints working in Saudi Arabia and Africa along the way.

What you’ll learn from Josh’s story is that no matter where you start out, with the right mindset and mental tools in place, as well as a bit of elbow grease, you can make great things happen, not only for yourself but also for those around you. Josh is a guy who really is an inspiration for the future of mining.

Here’s some of what we dig into in this conversation:



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