You are currently viewing EP.100 Special: Behind the Scenes of Full Production and Face Contracting with Brett Robbo and Peter Finn

EP.100 Special: Behind the Scenes of Full Production and Face Contracting with Brett Robbo and Peter Finn

This week we are celebrating the 100th episode of Full Production! Tune in to catch an interview with host Peter Finn on the behind-the-scenes of the show, and what’s coming up.

In this episode, we welcome back Brett Robbo of Your Life of Impact to interview Peter Finn. We reflect on the last 100 episodes and give you an update on what’s ahead, and how you can be involved! Pete and Brett get into some great chats about motivation, balancing life, and reaching your goals.

We also discussed:

Updates from host Peter Finn and insight into his life behind the scenes.
The difference between balance and harmony in your life.
What your “why” is and why it’s key to reaching your goals.
Insight into Face Contracting and the challenges Pete had through the years.
New developments coming up on Full Production.


FACE Contracting – Website

Peter Finn – LinkedIn

Your Life Of Impact – Website

LIFE – Instagram

LIFE – Facebook

Brett Robbo – LinkedIn